Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Supermarket Trip

About a week and a half ago Sean took his first real trip to the Supermarket. He had been to the supermarket once before as well as a few trips to Target and Costco but these were in his stroller and were fairly quick trips. This time we put him in the seat portion of the cart and did our normal shopping. He seemed to really enjoy it! He has always been very inquisitive and this was no exception. We brought him again this past weekend and it was a similar experience. It is nice to go out and about with him even if it is just running errands! Here are a few pictures from our trip. :-) 

Sean has become quite the little mover. He does not crawl "normally" yet but he can get where he wants to go combining his little army crawl and rolling. The morning we went to the grocery store Sean was playing and he started moving toward something. This is where he ended up. 

This is his kick and play playmat that he used all the time we he was a bit smaller. We put it off to the side in the living room but had not put it away yet. Turns out Sean was not quite done playing with it. We moved it into the back room after this. 

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