Monday, January 26, 2015

January Seanisms

Look for a blog on Christmas coming soon, but since it is going to be a longer one I wanted to get a little post out first. 

Sean is growing and learning so much right now. He moved up to the toddler room at daycare on Monday, January 12. Drop offs became difficult that week as Sean had recently become quite clingy to Mom and Dad. This week is going much better. Today he ran around showing me toys while I chatted with his new teacher for a few minutes. No crying so far this week at drop-off so hopefully that continues! 

Sean can very clearly say the following words (and point to them):
Apple (although sometimes tomatoes and strawberries are apples as well) 

Here are a couple Seanisms and their meanings. . . 
Dow = Cow
Vow = WOW

And for the grand finale, Sean has learned to say NO - often he says "No, no, no, no." He knows what it means and says it quite frequently now. Here is an example. We are definitely in trouble! 

And a few pictures. . . 

That's is all for now - back soon with a few more updates! 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. .. . but first, Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy New Year and Happy Holidays! I can't believe that it is 2015 already. What a whirlwind the last couple of months has been. Time just seems to fly by lately. The big New Years resolution is to update this blog more often. Anyway, let's rewind back to Thanksgiving. 

This year Thanksgiving was with the O'Malley clan. My parents graciously suggested that if we were willing to host, they would bring most of the food, allowing Sean to keep to his regular schedule. We started the day out with coffee and cinnamon rolls. This was the first time Sean ever tried one and he seemed to like it. He was NOT a fan of waiting for them to be ready. He started fussing for them and hanging on to my leg when they came out of the oven and by the time he was in the highchair he was on the verge of losing it from the wait (we actually saw a tear roll down his face). Here is a video of Sean trying his very first taste of a cinnamon roll (which includes a bit of him waiting impatiently). 

During Sean's nap we worked on getting the table ready, whipping up a sweet potato dish and of course, my favorite, the crescent rolls. When Sean woke up from his nap, he was a little shy but warmed up to everyone pretty quickly and we had a wonderful afternoon and evening. 

At dinner, Sean refused to eat turkey, sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes, green jello or cranberry. Thankfully my family also brought over a ham, which Sean LOVED. He also, much like his Mama, couldn't get enough crescent rolls. He started a little game with Kerrigan, who was seated next to him. He would act like he was nicely offering some of his roll to her, then as soon as should would lean in to take it he would giggle and pull his hand away. He did this for quite a while. Personally, I thought it was adorable! 

Sean had fun playing with everyone throughout the night as well. There was a cane there that Sean probably had the most fund with. I don't have a great picture of his fun with the cane, but the best of bunch are at the end of the pictures. 

It was a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thanks again to my family for supplying the food! 

We like to pick out our tree early during the Advent season so we can enjoy it up a little longer before that little voice starts saying "it's time to take it down". As we have done in the past we drove over to the local high school and purchased it from the booster club. Their tree selection was excellent this year and I think the one we picked out is my favorite one we've ever had. We decided to change the location of the tree this year due to Mr. "I get into everything and would likely destroy the tree". We moved it downstairs and re-purposed his play yard as a tree yard. It was nice to have the tree right next to the fireplace but I missed having it upstairs near the window. 

This was just a couple weeks after Sean officially started walking, and was our first opportunity to walk while holding his hand. It was so much fun for us! Here is a picture from our outing as well as the final product in the play yard next to the fireplace. 

Well that was Thanksgiving. Hopefully more to come on a wonderful Holiday season soon!