Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October Seanisms

Little man is turning into a little boy more and more everyday. He has started to babble with somewhat real words recently so wanted to get a few of them down before I forgot. Here are a few things that Sean can say right now. 

Dada = Daddy
Booh = Book - basically he can almost say book, but can't figure out getting the k sound on the end
Du = Duck - same as above
Uh Ah = Uh Oh
Baba = Bottle (he also refers to his favorite food Puffs as Baba but we are trying to discourage this - lol)

When I dropped him off at Daycare this morning my arm brushed something hanging on the door and Sean said "Uh Ah"! 

Although he can't say them yet he definitely knows more words. He can find his Jungle Babies book (one of his favorites) even if it is all the way on the other side of the room. All you have to say is "Where is Jungle Babies?" and he will stop what he is doing and start searching around for it. He puts his hands on his head if you ask him where his head is. He will sometimes wave Byebye - although usually it is delayed and he will clap if asked (and if he is in a good mood). He seems to like his chair more, but he still does not sit in it; rather he prefers to stand and bang on the wall or sit on one of the arms that is flush with the wall. Hopefully he will use it as a real chair someday! 

He has also learned a few naughty habbits recently. He will screech when a toy he really likes gets taken away from him (such as when we have to leave for school in the morning). He loves, loves, loves to throw all his toys through the railing in the living room. If he is playing somewhere he shouldn't be and gets moved, he will make his body go limp, which threw us for a loop the first few times and we came close to dropping him. And lastly, he has entered the stage of throwing or, in his case, dropping food on the floor. Typically it is either something he does not like or when he has decided he is finished. 

Of course, no blog post would be complete without some pictures. :-) 

Where's your head? 

 Preferred chair sitting position

Sean's new favorite thing to do - throw toys through the railing

And just because I think he looks like such a little angel here. . Melt my heart baby boy!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Sean loves to dance!

In the past month or so we have noticed that Sean loves to dance. We first noticed that he would dance (shake his arms when music was on) with the mini refrigerator/stove he got for his birthday. Now he will randomly start dancing when he hears music no matter what he is doing. Below are a couple videos of the little man dancing. They make us laugh every time we watch them. We love that he seems to really like music. 

Here he is taking a little dancing break with his walker. 

Happy Friday!!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Sean's First Year in Monthly Pictures

I have posted a few of these before in the blog but wanted to post all 13 (one from the day he was born). We printed these out and had them on the wall at his birthday party. It is really incredible to see him grow through the pictures! At his doctor's appointment the day after his birthday he was in the 99th % for height and 96th % for weight. He has certainly come a long way since when he was born he was so little he was not even on the charts for his age. 

Sean is 1!!

Oh boy - I am a little embarrassed that it is October already and I have not blogged about Sean's birthday and that I did not blog at all in September. Since I am partly doing this for Sean I definitely need to get better about finding time to blog. 

Anyway - - Sean turned 1 on August 21! Mom and Dad both stayed home from work so we could hang with the little man all day. It was a wonderful day. Sean slept in a bit and woke up in a great mood. We opened a few presents. Sean still does not really get the whole "present" thing but seemed pretty excited about some of his new books. Here is a picture of all his loot! 

Sean seems to like his new chair, although he rarely sits in it. He prefers to climb it. Brett snapped this picture and I am still shocked we got it since the pictures that follow it show how Sean looks in the chair 99% of the time! 

It currently sits in a corner so that he can not tip it over when he climbs on it. Hopefully someday he will actually use it as a chair. :-) 

After Sean's nap we took our last set of monthly sticker pictures. I have to say I got a little emotional here! I loved taking those monthly pictures. Here are a couple from this last photoshoot. 

Later on in the afternoon we gave cake a try. I was not overly optimistic that it would go well as Sean did not like to get messy with his food. He would not touch the cupcake. He would not even open his mouth to try it. Finally I stuck his hand in it (2nd picture below) and he was less than thrilled to say the least! 

It was a wonderful day and we are so happy that the three of us got to spend it together. Sean has brought more joy into our lives than we ever thought possible and we love him more and more each day. 

The following Saturday we had a little party at the house. My parents, sister and a few friends came over to celebrate. Major shout out to my sister Kerrigan who drove up from Richmond and hit horrendous traffic. We really appreciated you not giving up and making it to the party. Sean loves his aunt/godmother!! The party was Winnie the Pooh themed and we had a lot of fun picking out decorations, ordering balloons and ordering the cake! The cake again did not go over so well, but that just meant more for the rest of us! :-)