In the time since the last post a month ago, Sean learned to pull up. At first he could only do this if he was crawling toward something (like the couch) using his momentum to help propel himself up. Here is a picture from the first time we ever saw him do this. Of course, he used the remote control as his motivator. :-)
Shortly after he figured out how to pull up from a stationary position so now he pulls up on everything!! This includes the crib. Sean is teething pretty badly right now and one day we noticed some strange marks on the crib rail. After talking it over a bit we decided Sean made the marks with his teeth while standing up. The very next day Brett walked into them room and Sean had just done it again! So, off to the internet I went and bought something to protect the crib rail. So far, it seems to be working.
The last weekend of July Sean got Baptised by Father Malm at Grace Church. He also married Brett and I so it was extra special that he was able to baptise Sean. It was a nice service although Sean did not want to fully cooperate and cried during the lead up to the actual pouring of the water. The church seemed to find it amusing though and as soon as Sean was put on the ground afterwards he was happy as could be. We don't have many pictures but several are on other cameras so will post some when we get those.
The second week in August we visited Gemma and Poppa and had a really great visit. Sean had his first experience in a real pool which, once we moved out of the baby pool he seemed to really like. Ironically, we decided that he was too small for the baby pool since he can't walk yet, and crawling would have put his face under the water. We switched over to one of the bigger pools and just held him in the water and motered around with him. He had a ball with this, especially when with his Poppa! We took a ton of pictures so here are just a few.
I forgot to pack extra clothes to put on to wear on the drive home so in order not to soak the carseat, we changed his diaper and put him in this way. He either did not like to be almost naked in his carseat or he really did not want to leave. Either way, I thought it was mildly amusing and took a picture.
We had a delicious dinner that night outside. Sean did not participate in the dinner but ate Cheerios and Puffs while we were eating (he had eaten his own dinner earlier). He seemed to enjoy being outside with us.
Sean sleeps in a pack and play next to us when we visit. This is what we woke up to Sunday morning and how we knew it was definitely time to get up!
While we were there, we also visited a local park. Sean had a blast. You may remember the first few times we took Sean to the park and tried the swings he was unimpressed and showed zero emotion one way or the other. Well, what a difference a few months makes! Sean loved the swing this time, giving us big smiles both times we put him on it. He also cried and had a death grip on the swing when we tried to take him out. Below is a little video of him swinging for the 2nd time that day followed by some other pictures at the playground.
Right next to the park is where Brett used to play little league baseball. Of course we had to take some pictures on same field!
Sean also began "cruising" while we were there or walking while holding onto something. We happened to catch it on video the 2nd time he did it. It is only a few side steps but very exciting for us. Hard to believe he went from barely being able to pull up on something to pulling up on everything and starting to cruise around!
The very next weekend Sean progressed a little more and walked with his walker. Brett and I were both sitting in the room with him and he just stood up and started pushing it (kind of awkward very large steps at first but by the second pass was much smoother). We turned him around and captured a video. He has done it a few more times since then but sometimes he gets lazy and drops to his knees and pushes it at that level.
Last week Sean turned one and pushed through another new tooth! I think his birthday deserves its very own post so will be posting that soon.
Here are just a few extra pictures that I think describe Sean right now.
Being his inquisitive self. . . .
Playing with his books - although his favorite are lift the flap books