Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

Today was Sean's first Easter. I am happy to say that the Easter Bunny did a great job finding us as Sean got 2 baskets. :-) 

We were not sure if Sean would know what to do with them. Sometimes he inspects something for a bit before he tries to grab it, but that was not the case here. Sean likes his new books and his very own sippy cup (although he has not quite figured out how to use it, he likes waving it around). Here's a little video of Sean digging into one of the baskets. 

One of the baskets was delivered to my parent's house (that Bunny is very smart). Along with some chocolate for Mom and Dad (yay!) the bunny left a cute bunny suit for Sean along with a bear in a matching bunny suit! Below is progression of pics from one of our photo shoots today. 

Sean is pretty happy being a bunny. . 

Sean's bear added to the mix - clearly he is not so sure about this. . . 

Not happy sharing the spotlight! :-) 

Sean's Easter outfit. Looking like such a little man and showing off his sitting skills. 

Sean is officially working not one but TWO teeth, both on the bottom. Can't believe how big this little guy is getting. I was finally able to capture a picture of the teeth poking through a bit. 

Hope everyone had a nice Easter!! 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Big Day!

Sean has his first tooth (or the start of his first one)!! We don't have any pictures of it yet as you can't really see it that well and more of it needs to break through but you can feel it! 

Sean is also starting to sit up by himself more. He still needs a "spotter" as he tends to lean, especially if he is grabbing for something, but each day this week he has stayed up longer and longer by himself. We have also noticed that if he tips backwards a bit he can generally catch himself. We just can't believe that our little baby is becoming such a big boy! 

Have a good weekend and Happy Easter! 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Exciting Weekend

We had a beautiful weekend here in Northern Virginia. On Friday after work (and after Brett mowed the lawn :-)) we were able to get out for a quick stroll around the neighborhood. The skies looked a bit ominous but we risked it since the temperature was perfect. It gets pretty humid here in the summer so we need to take advantage of these nice days while they last. We were lucky enough to run into a nice neighbor that offered to take a family pic. Sean would not look at the camera but we have so few of the 3 of us that we will take what we can get! 

On Saturday Sean met the Easter Bunny! We went to Landmark Mall and there was no line at all. Sean did not seem to have an opinion of the bunny one way or another. Sean was being his usual squirmy self and tried to squirm his way right off the Bunny's lap. This gave Mom and Dad a little scare. We managed to get a pretty good picture. Of course Sean smiled right after they stopped taking pictures but we still think this one is pretty good! 

Sunday brought more beautiful weather and we thought it would be fun to introduce Sean to the baby swings at a local park. To say he was indifferent is an understatement. There were lots of kids playing tag and he spent most of the time watching them not seeming to notice that he was in a swing. We did get a few cute pics though and a little video. 

We will try again in a few weeks. It is fun to get out to the playground and get some more fresh air. We took a nice little walk when we got back and all this seemed to tucker the little guy out. 

To top off a great weekend Brett grilled for the first time this season and it was delicious. :-) Looking forward to the spring for more weekends like this one! 

Friday, April 11, 2014

Eating Peas!

As we mentioned in a previous post Sean loves to eat. Here is a little video of him eating peas last night. The rustling that can be heard before every bite are Sean's legs going back and forth in excitement. 

So far we have not had any foods that Sean clearly hates. We had some trouble with carrots at first (after the first bite he refused to open his mouth again for more) but gave him a little break from them and a couple weeks later he loved them. He tried apples for the first time the other day and he started whining about halfway through but still opened his mouth wide before every bite and ate the whole bowl. I think he might have just been tired so we will try again soon. 

It is supposed to be nice here this weekend so planning on giving Sean lots of fresh air! 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Starting a blog!

Brett and I have talked about wanting to start a blog since Sean's birth, however, anyone with kids knows that sometimes life gets in the way. Since Sean has been more and more active recently I really want a place to capture all his developments and share with friends and family. So hopefully we will be updating this as regularly as possible with photos and videos. 

Somehow, Sean is already 7 1/2 months old! He is cute as can be and Brett and I fall a little more in love with him each day. 

One of Sean's favorite activities right now is eating :-). His menu currently includes squash, bananas, carrots, peas, green beans, pears, sweet potatoes and oatmeal cereal. We try a new food every 3 days so we are looking forward adding to this in the coming weeks. He really loves to eat. He opens his mouth as soon as the spoon leaves the bowl (sometimes before). The pictures below are an example of this. In the first one the spoon is not even close enough to his mouth to make it in the picture! We will post a video of this soon. He can get rather impatient if we are taking longer than he would like between bites. 

A few other favorite activities right now are his jumperoo, playing with his feet and chewing on anything he can get his little hands on. For Christmas we bought him an exersaucer. He really seems to enjoy it but we noticed that he kept trying to jump in it. Turns out there is a jumperoo at his daycare that his teacher says he loves and he was trying to make the stationary exersaucer do the same thing. We finally decided that we would get him one for our house and we are so glad we did. It came this past weekend and as soon as we put him in it and he started jumping he gave us the biggest grin - that right there made it worth it! Here is a little video. Please excuse my "baby" voice. :-) 

We try to take Sean on walks whenever it is nice outside. This winter did not provide a lot of opportunity for this but hopefully we will get a few weeks of spring before it turns to Summer in Norther Virginia. I will leave you with a picture of Mr. Cool from a walk we took last Sunday.